Sophie Sheep

Sophie is a 6-yr-old sheep and proud of it. Rescued as a bummer lamb from a farm, along with two other lambkins, Sophie has lived her whole life at the sanctuary. Lucky sheep!

Here are a couple shots of Miss Sophie.

Sophie is serious

Sophie is pretty


Anonymous said...

Sophie is beautiful and precious!

Lou said...

She is beautiful, gorgeous markings. I love your writing Marji, thanks for all the smiles and tears and ideas you've given me since I found your writing this past month. If I were there I'd volunteer in a heartbeat :)

Marji said...

@Lou: That is very kind of you! If you're ever in California when we're open, I hope you're able to stop by and meet the animals!

Lou said...

you can be guaranteed I will :)

Anonymous said...

This is so great, thank you for doing this. Animals are not ours to eat or wear.