On air cruelty & UN climate expert promotes eating less meat

Pattrice over at Eastern Shore Sanctuary's blog writes about how a San Francisco based radio station, LIVE 105, is planning on chasing several chickens on-air on Inauguration day (tomorrow).

How you can help:

There is, of course, one more cause for concern about this particular event. Why, on the day that our nation’s first African American president will be inaugurated, will radio hosts be making jokes about eating chicken?

Don’t wait to protest after the fact. Stop this event before it happens. Call the producers of LIVE 105 at (415) 478-5483 and insist that in-studio animal abuse is not funny, on Inauguration Day or any other day.


or email:

WTR@Live105.com - the show itself
Dave@Live105.com - Dave Numme the show's producer

In more positive news, the UN's top climate scientist has encouraged people to reduce their consumption of meat, citing its devastating impact on the environment and global warming. The production of meat releases more greenhouse gases than cars. Reducing your environmental footprint by reducing meat consumption is a great start - going vegan should always be the ultimate goal. It's the overall best diet for our bodies, super healthy for the planet and, of course, incredibly kind to animals.