Tell DailyCandy to remove mini pig gift selection

The DailyCandy is a popular site that connects readers to all that is supposedly chic in fashion, food and "culture".

Sadly, their 2009 Holiday Gift Guide for Girls includes a "present" that is anything but cool - miniature pigs.

Pigs can make wonderful companions, but no animal should be given as a gift without due consideration to his needs - pigs are not realistic companion animals for most people. You can read about the miniature pig phenomenon here. Royal Dandies are not a true breed of pig but an amalgam of different breeds, including one breed that can grow up to 400 lbs. It is interesting how few pictures of adult "RoyalDandies" exist.

Please help by asking DailyCandy to remove their suggestion of a "miniature pig" from their 2009 Holiday Guide for Girls. You can comment here (you'll have to start an account) or you can submit a email here.